Talks and Presentations

The Impact of Nebular Line Emission on SED-Derived Galaxy Propeties

January 2024, 243rd AAS Meeting
Here is a link to the iPoster.

The Impact of Nebular Line Emission on SED-Derived Galaxy Properties

November 2023, Georgia Regional Astronomy Meeting

The Impact of Nebular Line Emission on SED-Derived Galaxy Properties

August 2023, University of Florida Summer Student Research Symposium

Super Star Cluster Formation in the Antennae Overlap

April 2023, Agnes Scott Spring Annual Research Conference

Super Star Cluster Formation in the Antennae Overlap

January 2023, CUWiP at Auburn University

Super Star Cluster Formation in the Antennae Overlap

January 2023, 241st AAS Meeting
Here is a link to the iPoster.

Physical Conditions of Molecular Clouds in the Merging Antennae Galaxies

July 2022, NRAO Summer Student Research Symposium

The Search for a Cuboid

April 2022, Agnes Scott Spring Annual Research Conference

The Search for a Cuboid

July 2021, Agnes Scott STEM Scholars Symbosium